Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A to Z Challenge: B is for Books

B is for Books
Books are my life. I've heard the saying, "If you don't like books, we can't be friends." So, don't read my blog post if you don't like books. But you probably like reading and books or you wouldn't be reading this. So, we can be friends. I have loads of favorite books. Art, mystery and  middle-schoolers, all rolled into a best seller, makes for my favorite book--Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett. The contemporary teen mystery I am currently writing just might be my new favorite book. The pages are filled with mystery, middle-schoolers and a heavy dose of Edgar Allen Poe. Did I mention maple syrup and a missing hundred grand? What's your favorite book and why?

#atozchallenge #amwriting #reading #books


  1. Oh how I love books! Trying to think of my favorite and can't right now there are so many.... Looking forward to visiting you again during the Challenge.

  2. I've got a lot of favorites -- but one that I've read several times is Dean Koontz 'Intensity.' It's one of my all time favorites!

    Great "B" post. I love books too. Good luck in the A to Z Challenge.. Looking forward to reading more.

    JC Gatlin

  3. I have a lot of favorites. My all time favorite is probably Dean Koontz 'Intensity.' I've read it several times.

    Good luck on the A to Z Challenge. I'm looking forward to reading more posts.

    JC Gatlin

    1. I will have to check out Koontz's Intensity. You know a book is your favorite when you've read it more than once!

  4. I LOVE BOOKS! And I can't think of what my favorite book is: there are so many! I can think of some authors though, like Sherman Alexie, and I never thought I would say it, but Stephen King, too! I have published a couple of children's picture books and would like to say that they are among my favorites, too! Looking forward to reading you again. :D

    1. Stephen King has some awesome writing advice, too! Thanks for visiting:)

  5. By the way, I can't find your follow button. :(

    1. I'm not a techie, but I think it's located past the "Share It" and under the "Followers" and it says "Join this sight." Hope that helps. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Books are probably the only addiction that adds brain cells and makes you more fun to talk to LOL

  7. I love books! My favorite book triology is The Hunger Games, which is a best seller by Suzanne Collins.


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