Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February #IWSG: Fun with Photography and Phone Booths and Ferris Bueller Quotes

Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the writing process and post the first Wednesday of every month!

As the Midwest frolics in fifty degrees (be jealous), I've been hard pressed to find quantity writing time what with trips to the park and wearing flip-flops and all. This unfrozen winter feels oddly calming. So I dove write in (get it?) to take the February #AuthorLifeMonth challenge on Instagram (when I should be writing.) Snap a pic of the topic for that day and post it with the hashtag. Even if you're not a published author you can still participate.

This writer's journey can be a long and hard road to publication. Some in this group have already been published, but we wait on other things like finding  the perfect agent, publishers and contracts. The journey takes time and patience for all of us. Ferris Bueller has some words for those who spend every waking minute obsessed with writing, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile. You could miss it."

So in the meantime, get your camera (so retro) most likely your phone and snap some snazzy pics of you and your writing dreams and pass the time (when you should be writing). Get yourself out there. Remember you are selling not only your book (or future book) but yourself as an author.

My daughter and I played in a phone booth in an antique store over the weekend. Can someone call that number and tell me to GET BACK TO WRITING?! Thanks. 

Are you up for the photo challenge? Getting any writing done this year? Freaked out that we're already in February? You're still here? Go live life.


  1. Hi,
    I am not freaking out that February is already here, but I am surprised that it came so quickly. I love taking pictures, but I enjoy reading and do take the time to read every day just to chill out and relax my mind.

  2. I remember when those weren't antiques...
    I should just take a picture of my Feedly reader because that's what I will be looking at all day today...

    1. I've always loved phone booths. My kid was like, what is this thing?

  3. I love a photo challenge. Photography is my second love behind writing. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I so badly want to learn photography. The pictures I take come kind of okay!

    1. Just practice. I love having a phone with an awesome camera.

  6. So the phone booth was in an ANTIQUE store...

    Damn, I'm getting old.

    IWSG February

  7. All experiences can help with writing, so no one should feel bad about doing things instead of putting butt-in-chair. That said, I'm woefully behind on writing and I hardly go anywhere so have no good excuses. *sigh*

    1. That's good to remember. I do get inspired by my kids and our crazy adventures.

  8. Some of my friends are currently involved in a photograph challenge on FB. The photos are stunning. Does that count as taking a look around if my head's stuck in FB? Probably not, eh? Great post, Jennifer.

    1. Thanks! I love to browse Instagram for beautiful photos.

  9. Have to live life a bit too, can't sit behind a computer for ever.

  10. Actually, the surprisingly warm weather here in Michigan got my writing juices going and made me want to write even more. Too bad I didn't have any time to spend on it. :(

  11. 50 degrees? Brrrr. (We in SoCal are shivering with highs in the low 60s.)

    I so need to do more with Instagram...

    1. Ha! WE LOVE 50 degrees in the wintertime. SoCal. So jealous.

  12. Oh for pity's sake. A push button public phone in the antique store? Yikes.

    1. I had to explain what an actual phone is/was to my little girl.

  13. Flip flops? WOW! It's been unseasonably warm here, but not quite "hang out outdoors" warm. I have been hibernating and working!

    1. Okay, maybe not flip flops. More like no jacket weather!

  14. I would be so distracted by a photo challenge right now.

    Jennifer, your Google+ account isn't linked to your blog and it took me a while to find you on the IWSG list. That's why it took me so long to comment back.

    1. Ugh! Thanks for letting me know. I noticed that yesterday! I will try to fix it or ask the hubs. Most likely he will have to fix it;)

  15. I'm getting a lot of writing done this year. It's mostly warm, with some chilly days. I like when the heat is on since it feels cozy. This reminds me that someone tagged me on IG for black and white pictures that I'll post soon.

  16. I'm catching up for 1.5 weeks away from the blogosphere between visiting family, baby being sick, and now me. We'll see how far I get. Regardless, I'm happy to see your smiling face. (Even if it is only a picture.)

  17. Sounds like a good distraction! It's still a creative thing after all. Jealous about the flip-flops too - we're still battling snow and frost here.

  18. The photos sound like fun, and the year is already speeding along too fast.


December #IWSG: Food (poisoning), Family, and Fun!

           Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the...