Wednesday, February 1, 2023



                                               First Wed of Every Month

The awesome co-hosts for the February 1 posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional!

February 1 question - If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover?

You ready?
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Do judge a book by its cover. But don't take my word for it. Ask the millions of kids that pick up and put down books based on the cover design. 

I've delved into creating my own. But I have yet to start that journey. As a former librarian, there were many times I shook my head in disbelief at poorly executed book covers. You have one job and you better get it right! 

Sometimes I just want to buy books based on the artwork staring back at me. I wince when a cover design is done unprofessionally. My hope is to have a lot of input when it comes to my new-ish (newly redesigned) middle-grade murder mystery. I've always studied kid lit book covers both MG and YA to see the latest styles and trends. 

You don't have to judge a book by its cover. But I do every single time. 


  1. I sure do.
    Your job gives you a lot of references when it comes to good and bad covers.

  2. Starting by studying what works for your genre is sure to hone your own skills in deciding what covers work for you. But I still love being the creator, even if the results may not be 'perfect'. Have a great writing month!

  3. Hi Jennifer, book covers are the first thing kids and adults see in books, attractive covers grab their eyeballs. Getting a great cover is the first step.

  4. Hi Jennifer! I do tend to judge a book by its cover. I make my own covers. I had a MG book published by a traditional once (You know which one- Duck and Cover) and she said I could have no input on the cover. Well, I didn't like the cover at all. After my 3 yr contract was over, I took back my rights and the first thing I did was change the cover, and I love the one I made. You can click here and see the cover I put on it.

  5. Yes, covers are important. I'd have to hire someone to design mine.

  6. I also tend to judge a book by its cover, which is why I don't make my own lol!

  7. I can only imagine the covers you have seen coming through the library.

  8. I think some authors don't have the experience with seeing a lot of book covers that you have. And they cheap out. I can just imagine what horrors you saw in the library.

  9. You could have the best book ever written, but you still need a good cover to catch someone's eye, or they'll never know!

  10. I'm sure you've seen a lot of covers as a school librarian, Jennifer. I used to love browsing through the stacks when I was a second and third grade teacher. I sometimes dream about it, and I've been retired ten years ~ lol! I do judge a book by it's cover. Often it's what catches my eye in a book store, but then I check other things too. Have a creative February!

  11. I've been known to pick up a few library books based on the cover too!



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