Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July #IWSG: Summer and My Great Expectations

OPTIONAL IWSG Day Question: What are your ultimate writing goals, and how have they changed over time (if at all)?

Co-Hosts: Nicki Elson, Juneta Key, Tamara Narayan, and Patricia Lynne!

My ultimate writing goals stay the same: agent + book deal + bestseller list. Ha. A girl can dream. Last month I landed in the agent round of Query Kombat. I am pleased to say my middle grade mystery got the second highest amount of requests!! Now I wait. Always waiting. 

This week I am on vacation in the great cheese state of Wisconsin, visiting family and enjoying the great outdoors. Yes, you can actually step outside here and not get your face melted off. Oh, how I've missed my home state---in the summer. Not so much in the winter! 

I hope everyone has lofty writing goals and great expectations! Have a fantastic rest of summer.


  1. That's great that you got the second most requests. Fingers crossed for you. Have a great vacation!

  2. Your face would certainly melt here.
    Hope you get good news.
    Now go enjoy some cool cheese.

  3. That's so great on your middle grade mystery :) It's hot here too in Kansas City. We actually had a day in the 80's this week though but back to hot temperatures today. I bet Wisconsin is beautiful right now.

  4. Well done on Query Kombat! Enjoy that cheese :-)

  5. Yippee! Now that's an accomplishment. But the waiting... I hope you have a good distraction. Eat some epic cheese for me!

    1. Always waiting. In the meantime...vacay and cheese!

  6. Congratulations on all those requests! Fingers crossed you don't have to wait long and when you do hear something, it will be awesome news. :)

  7. Hopefully the waiting isn't too long. Good not to have your face melted off too.

  8. That's wonderful your story has done well so far.

    I visited Wisconsin once and I fell in love with The House on the Rock. I'd love to see it again.

    1. The House on the Rock is a beast! Love the weird and wacky labyrinth of rooms.

  9. Congrats on the requests! Hoping it works out! Enjoy your vacation!

  10. Yeah for the requests! Hope you have a great outcome in this contest.

  11. Congratulations. Hope the wait is not too long. Happy IWSG!

  12. Good luck on those requests... so much waiting!! ;)

    1. Thanks! Waiting should be an Olympic sport. I'd medal for sure.

  13. Have a great vacation. I hear it's been hot. Not so much for us... yet. But it's coming soon.

    I'm sure you're going to have an agent bidding war :)

  14. Same pinch, my ultimate goals are the same "agent + book deal + bestseller list."

    Fingers crossed that you get an agent soon.

  15. Query Kombat...sounds intense. Writing queries is so painful for me. It's just about as bad as coming up with a descriptive blurb. Ugh!


December #IWSG: Food (poisoning), Family, and Fun!

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