Wednesday, December 6, 2017


First Wed of Every Month

OPTIONAL IWSG Day Question: As you look back on 2017, with all its successes and failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?

Co-Hosts: Julie Flanders,Shannon Lawrence, Fundy Blue,and Heather Gardner!

The end is near.
How did this happen? If I could backtrack, I would switch brains with a NY Times Bestselling author. Okay, maybe that's not what IWSG intended by the question of the month. But I write fiction. Can you blame me for dreaming?

My NaNo month ended on a high note. In November, I wrote almost 25k for my new MG mystery, and I started a new MG sci-fi thriller with another 8500 words. In fact, I'm so pumped about my new sci-fi that I'm ditching the other one (for now) and going full force with the newer one.
Did that make sense?
Brain is fuzzy.
Writer's cramp.
Where's my coffee IV?

During Thanksgiving vacation, we stopped at a hotel about an hour from Chicago where I got this crazy idea for a sci-fi novel. Inspiration can literally hit you anywhere at anytime. I don't think I've ever been struck before with such an overwhelming and fun idea for a story!

Good luck with revisions this month. I'm sticking to my rough draft. Hoping to edit after the new year. Merry Christmas!

How about you? What would you do differently this past year? Want to switch places with anyone?


  1. Meh, I don't know if I would do anything differently, but there's a few people I would switch places with. If only for a couple of days to do something really cool. :-)

    I am often too struck with inspiration out of the blue and get drawn away from one project to start another. I realized that I started writing three new books in the past year, never getting more than about 1/4 of the way through any of them. I've got the attention span of a friggin' goldfish.

    IWSG December

    1. I agree. I've given it some thought. lol.
      But at least you have several stories simmering in your head! Better than none.

  2. Enjoy the inspiration! I have had crazy ideas pop up, but I'm usually too swamped with other stuff to pursue them beyond typing up a page of notes for some day...

  3. I love it when inspiration hits like that! And congrats on the NaNo progress. Here's to a grand 2018 for all of us! :)

  4. I like your answer! And yeh for ideas that overwhelm us with excitement!

    Merry Christmas to you!

    1. It feels nice to finally be excited about a new project. Same to you!

  5. Ideas really can appear from anywhere. Merry Christmas!

    1. I keep paper with me at all times. And a pen. And my cell phone notes app. You never really know when you're going to get hit up side the head with a fantastic idea.

  6. Those bright and shineys can pull us from one project to another one, can't they? lol

    1. I'm usually a one project at a time girl. I guess I still am. Just focusing on the fun one for right now!

  7. Hi Jennifer, yes ideas can appear from anywhere. I think you are writing much more than me. In the last few months I made slow progress, but before that I was suffering from writing lethargy. I hope to write lots in 2018.

    1. It would appear that way, but trust me, until October and prepping for NaNo, I was playing around. Pushing ideas around and around in my head and not actually writing. Now that I got my serious kick in the writer's pants, I'm not stopping for anything. Maybe the kids. Yeah, I should take care of them. Good luck to you this next year!

  8. Sounds like you will be juggling a lot of projects. Run with what inspires you the most right now.

    1. I can't juggle. So I'm doing what you said, running with what inspires me!

  9. I love that. It is so true that inspiration can come from anywhere and anything. :)

  10. haha that could be a good story idea. Switch brains, but then would you still be you?

  11. I want a coffee IV.

    I'm working on a book with several stories in it and have jumped around a bit. Unfortunately, that means only 2 of the 4/5 are done.

    1. I'm so used to working on one thing at a time. This is new for me! Good luck.

  12. I like the brain swapping idea. Maybe you should work on figuring out how to make that happen ;)

  13. Hi Jennifer, I did pretty much what I needed to do for 2017 and am planning out 2018 this week. Best wishes for a healthy and wealthy 2018!

    1. I should plan for next year too. Hmm.
      Same to you!

  14. I would do anything differently because I believe everything happens for a reason. BUT--I sure wouldn't want to live the year over again. Happiness to you in the new year.

    1. Everything does happen for a reason! Same to you.

  15. Hi--Great to meet you. I'm new to IWSG. Have to laugh--My brain used to work like that, jumping from shiny new idea to shiny new idea. Now at my (ahem) advanced age, it doesn't work as fast, although I still have plenty of ideas. Too many for one lifetime.

    Happy holidays and best wishes for 2018.

    1. I usually don't have that many shiny ideas vying for my attention. It caught me by surprise. I like to be surprised. Well, only when reading good books.

  16. Good luck with the writing! November was a good month, though I didn't do NaNo. Six days into December, and I'm thinking I need to set some goals for this month so I don't lose my momentum.

    1. Set those goals! I want to be done with my new story by Christmas. Ha.

  17. Oh please, give me the coffee IV. I'll get some decaf actually in less than a half hour at my critique meeting. Awesome that you got so much written in November.

    1. We can share. I hope to get more written in December. Is that even possible??

  18. Sounds like you've got some great ideas percolating - that's always SO much fun!!! Good luck with them :)

  19. I'm glad you were struck with inspiration over the holiday break! How fun! It sounds like you had a very successful November!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Maybe I'll get lucky and get struck again with inspiration during Christmas break. :)

  20. Inspiration can strike anywhere. That's why I keep pen and paper with me. My last inspiration happened in church. The family glared at me while I wrote down a few notes on scrap from my handbag during the priest's homily. Hopefully I won't burn in hell for that!

    I'll make sure I'm connected to you online and follow your blog. Merry Christmas, Jennifer!

  21. Hi,
    I finally made it to your article for this month. Happy to hear about how much you accomplished during NaNo. You asked would I like to change places with anyone? No, thank you. I don't to want to walk in anyone else's shoes but my own.
    All the best and I wish you a successful crossover into 2018.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  22. Sounds like you had a great month in November. Very exciting to be struck by those shiny new ideas. Good luck with the drafting!



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