Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July #IWSG: Critique Partners, Frog-Jumping Contests, and Mud Volleyball, Oh my!

First Wed of Every Month

This month's question: What is one valuable lesson you've learned since you started writing? 

Don't go it alone. You might think you can, but you won't last for very long. I'm writing this ahead of schedule and I've hit the were-going-on-vacation-tomorrow panic stage, so this will be short and probably not sweet, but to the point. 

You need an extra set of eyes on your work, and I don't mean your mom or significant other unless they are a professional editor. Then by all means go for it. I love my beta-readers and critique partners and writerly cheerleaders. Get over yourself if you think you can't take criticism. Make your work better!

Hannibal is hosting yet another festival this week. Come check out the always fun National Tom Sawyer Days complete with fence painting and frog jumping contests and mud volleyball. Not sure how the last one is relevant to Mark Twain, but who cares? Have fun this Fourth of July!

I'll be enjoying a week off. Who am I kidding? I'm outlining a new story!! I'll try to visit other blogs and get to your comments sometime this week. 


  1. Enjoy that week off and your outlining.
    I value my critique partners. I would've made a lot of really dumb mistakes without them.

  2. Don't go it alone sure is the way to be, learn more through criticism any day.

  3. Hi Jennifer, I am in sync with your thoughts, " Don't go alone" is the way to go. We need a critical set of eyes to help us get our book/s in the best possible shape.

    1. I have the best CPs around. Makes all the difference.

  4. Critique partners are the best. I've been blessed to land a FABULOUS circle of them, some with paid editorial experience too (like myself), so it's a whole different ballgame when I put my work in front of them. Couldn't do it without them.

    1. Yes, that's a plus. We get so used to seeing our words we don't see our short comings:)

  5. In the beginning, I thought I had to go it alone because I had no connections to other writers/authors. Then I found blogging and the IWSG, so that changed. :)

    1. Facebook groups and Twitter are great places to find writerly support.

  6. Enjoy your time off! Good luck with the new story!

    1. Thanks! I always have a blast when a new idea hits me.

  7. It was a great Fourth here. Quiet and restful. Congrats on the new story underway.

    1. I'm vacation with kids and it ain't quiet here;-) Thanks!

  8. You need those other eyes on your work. No one should go this alone.

    1. CPs help us to not embarrass ourselves. And it can be so lonely. We need friends who are just as crazy as we are.

  9. Hi, Jen,

    Hope you are getting a bit of alone time on your vacation. I know that's hard, BUT it is YOUR vacation too! Hope you have lovely weather and warm and loving times.... All the best on your new story!

  10. Yay for beta readers - they make a huge difference in the quality of one's work. Have a great time on vacation.

  11. It's funny, your line about having a second set of eyes, and no your mom's or SO's sound exactly like something I've written, too. It's such an important lesson that a lot of new folks to writing often forget. No matter how good it looks/sounds to you, it's not. You need someone else to look at it, and someone objective.

  12. Often we mistakenly think that writing is a solitary job. Sure, we need to sit down and write, but then we need help to perfect it, to get it out there, to share the news about it and so forth.

  13. I'm glad I learnt that lesson because other people can see what needs to be done in a way that I just can't. I'm glad to have found excellent CPs!

  14. Enjoy your writing time! I totally agree on the critique partners. Everyone needs one or more good ones.


May #IWSG: Mayday!

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