Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September #IWSG: Are You Ready for Some Football--er, Writing?

First Wed of Every Month
Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the writing process and post the first Wednesday of every month!

The big question for the group this month is "How do you find the time to write in your busy day?"

After driving the mom taxi and embarrassing my kids at their football and soccer games (I can cheer pretty loudly), I hit the hay pretty early. My writing time happens first thing in the morning. Then after breakfast and after my boys drive off into the sunrise, I write (as much as possible)  until around noon. But if I don't take the time to read, I will never find the inspiration to write. I am always reading. If you fail to read, you will never know what works and what flunks or what makes a story great or lame. This is key for getting unstuck and curing writer's block. READ. WRITE. READ some more.

The important thing to remember is to write everyday. Don't forget your family, but, hey, they probably won't let you, so no worries. How do you find the time to write in a busy world?


  1. I'm behind you 100%. Reading is the most intuitive way to learn how to write. Granted, that includes some industry study books...

    1. I'm glad I'm a quick reader. I have so many in my TBR pile.

    2. I KNOW! Me too. Can you imagine if it took 3 days to read a book? It would NEVER happen.

  2. That's great you have that time in the morning to both read and write.
    And if you can't embarrass your kids, who can you embarrass?

  3. Yes! That's why I now read more non-famous books/authors than famous ones. By studying what I like and don't like in their works, I learn and apply it to my writing. Great schedule you have there -- I think you have it all together!

    1. As much as I dislike reading poorly written books, it actually helps--a lot!

  4. haha have to embarrass the kids. Reading sure does help indeed. Thankfully I never get writer's block though at my feed

    1. Yes, it does! Cuz it's fun to read in the sun. Oh boy.

  5. I look forward to embarrassing my kids some day, but I'm hoping to raise them to be pretty shameless.

    IWSG September

    1. I have one who doesn't get embarrassed. But, hey, I still try.

  6. Writing after the kids go to school is the best time for busy moms. :) If I don't read in a given day, I'm sad.

    1. Yes, it is! I love reading. I have a few must reads coming out this month. My new Kindle just might explode.

  7. I think I do my best writing in the morning. Unfortunately I have to go to work then, and by the time I get home, I'm already tired. But I still try to write.

  8. That's why mornings are best for me too. I'm not so sleepy:)

  9. That's a great schedule! I wish I could my writing in the morning, as that's when I tend to have the most clarity and be the most productive. I can't right now, of course, with the 2 year old, but I look forward to the day when I can. :D And I agree about reading. One of my favorite things to do in the afternoon is kick back with a book for a few hours. ;D

  10. Great advice for inspiration... reading. I am such a critic when I read, if I find flaws then I'll toss the book and get annoyed. The key is finding the right book to inspire...

    1. Me too. I really try to finish books I'm not that into, so I can pick them a part and learn why they didn't work for me.

  11. Too right! I haven't been reading as much as I used to over the last few years so I set a goal for myself this year and so far I'm rockin' it! I use Goodreads to help me stay on track and to give me ideas on which books to read. Great advice...

    1. Same here. Last year I decided it was time to get reading.

  12. Hi,
    I agree completely. Even when we steal the time to write, the world still turns. I enjoyed your post.
    Best Wishes
    Jo-Ann Carson

    1. And there will always be life getting in the way, so write when you can! thanks for stopping by.

  13. I'm glad you mentioned that about reading. It's so true. Finding the time to read is just as important as finding the time to write.

  14. Ah, but finding the time to read... It's a vicious cycle.

  15. Hi Jennifer, I agree with you on both the counts, that we must write a little everyday and that we must read. Reading really inspires us like nothing else.

    1. Once you realize that, it's easier to make the time to read!

  16. Mine tends to get crammed in at the end of the day. Reading is throughout the day and before I go to bed.

  17. So important about reading. I always feel like I need to do more. It's inspiring to want to write as well as the books I read.

  18. Writing in the morning, erg, is something I can't do. I'm a late night writer. Therefore, morning is often reading time (or blogging time, like today).

  19. I write mainly on weekends. I'll write weekdays if I have a deadline or if I'm off work.

  20. I used to write in the mornings, but now I've switched it so that I exercise before everyone wakes up, since that takes a little less brain power than writing. Then I use my lunch to write instead of exercise. I think I need to do more reading though. I've fallen behind on my TBR list!


December #IWSG: Food (poisoning), Family, and Fun!

           Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the...