Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May #IWSG: The End (of the school year) is Near

First Wed of Every Month

OPTIONAL IWSG Day Question: 
What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
The awesome co-hosts for the May 1 posting of the IWSG are Lee Lowery, Juneta Key, Yvonne Ventresca, and T. Powell Coltrin! 

The first time I realized that language had power was after reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in the fifth grade. I never knew I could get lost in a book. Before this, I read well and often for school but not for pleasure. It changed me. Then I discovered mysteries.The rest of my life has become an unending quest to read and write my favorite genre. 

My family and I just returned from a three-day trip to Chicago, enjoying all the sights and sounds of the windy city. And, yes, it was seriously windy!! Navy Pier, the Bean (aka Cloud Gate), Giordanno's were some of the highlights. We moved away from my favorite city about ten years ago. Venturing out into this urban setting made me want to dive back into writing! Ideas are swirling around my head. Just a few more weeks until SUMMER. The end of the school year is near!

I enjoyed taking a few candid shots of my oldest son photographing the city. He has an excellent artistic eye. Not to mention my kid is an amazing techie nerd, majoring in computer science. 

Anyone else looking forward to more writing time? Ready for summer? Taking any trips? Anyone else enjoy the Windy City? I'll make my way around the blogs and answer comments after school.

December #IWSG: Food (poisoning), Family, and Fun!

           Come join Alex J. Cavanaugh and the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We discuss our fears, insecurities, ups and downs of the...